I am an artist interested in visual communication and mainly fascinated by photography both as a document and as an art form.

My interest is mainly in producing images that communicate emotions and messages related to time and space in which we live now and able to evoke a perceptive experience to the viewer.
The projects I worked on are based on study themes that highlight the ways in which our perceptions, thoughts, attitudes and desires are determined by the dictates of the society in which we live.

When I am doing my projects, in addition to the digital camera, I like to use the analogue camera depends on the project I have to do. I am very passionate about using analogue photography, because I think it is more accurate in documenting but also ‘different’ and more powerful than digital therefore must persist over time.


Finalist Photo-World 2014, The New York Photo Festival


August 2014 'Cuba on The Cusp of Change' Omnibus Art Centre, Clapham London (part of Making Freedom

Sep 2014-Nov 2014 Photo-World, Powerhouse Arena, Brooklyn, New York

June 2016 'Horizons' Via dei Cappellari, Roma